Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2025)

THE DAILY STANDARD UNION: BROOKLYN. MONDAY. OCTORER 25. 1915. time One cent vrord times.

Three cente word times Ceuta word Nicely furnished room for lady or gentlemen; private family; references; all break If desired; ressonable; Hear cara and Li 10 minutes' walk to subway; two blocks Trom park. 396. Seventh aye; apply Stevenson. 195 Madison St, nr. Nostrand Av PRIVATE HOUSE.

LARGE, NEATLY FURNISHAD, SUNNY ROOMS, RUNNING WATER, MEAT; REASONABLE Front room to let, neatly furnished: all Improvements: moderate 1112 rent: with private family. Harris enth street; tirst floor, left. Large room: housekeeping: room, furs alahed; running water: hall 51.30. 284-985 Schermerhora Bond Furnished unfurnialled rooms hot, cold for Ladies running or gentlemen: the rooms. 3d-8d floora steam heat; water in left, 259 55th at.

Halt week tree 505 large Atlantic ave; 455 and small rooms, Quiet people, bitto at. 2 connecting rooms for reasonable: light 180 Housekeep running water; Fence street. 202 81. JOHNS PLACE. and Bright, newly, decorated, single double rooms; all conveniences.

Clean, comfortable furnished rooms: runEng. bing 135. water: Cumberland suitable for phone 4889 Pros. light housekeepNicely furnished for men; Subway, running water, best. 102 Prospect depot.

1042 Prospect. Front hall bedroom; with private family: tubway convenient. 184 Pacifie near Clinton. light steam heated; cars; bot Large, water and cold water; near 280 Grand ay. light housekeeping optional.

2 95 Lawrence furnished rooms; 2 conhecting rooms; light housekeeping: resronable. 34 Fort Greene large front room; heated; private, house; light housekeeping or gentlemen. 9 large rooms; furnished or unfurnished; hot and cold water: gaS; use Of bath. Apply 210 Lexington ave (basement). 75 Nassau st.

Single room, $1.25: family: paror: large, sunny piano; private call basement. hot Large and cold furnished water: room; near Prospect Park. steam heated: 105 East 5th st. Warren st. hall rooms to let; be313 tween Smith and Court; subway.

for housekeeping: also Furnished rooms rooms for gentlemen. 78 Ryerson st. 5 Furnished rooms to let, 819 with bath: street. from 81.50, $2, $3 per week. Jay 238 CUMBERLAND large rooms; also hall room: every convenlence: Phone 165 Congress Borough Hall subway: large and small rooms: all conveniences.

-Large light housekeeping rooms; also hall rooms; -reasonable. 628 Baltio st. Nicely furnished rooms; moderate. 178 15th st. 3 floor, left.

Furnished rooms to let; reasonable. 36 Henry street, Brooklyn. Proms to let for gentlemen only. 872 -3d st. FURNISHED ROOMS.

BOARDING. The Evelyn, 562 Washington Av. Large small rooms, beautifully reasonable decorated furnished; excellent table; BOARD WANTED. Middle aged man wants room and Board private family; state terms. Address Box 49, Standard Union.

HELP WANTED- -MALE. One cent Pour times dente WORd Seven times centa a CUTTERS Why not earn more money! Learn designing and cutting. Our short course lets you earn while you learn. InJividual Instruction. Start course any time.

Mitchell Easy Schools, terms. 11 W. 25th Evening Send for free booklet. sessions begin week of Sept. Wanted -Men to examinations for.

Government Jobs: month: unnecessary: common education sufficient: pull apply Immediately. Box 68, Standard Union. $75 monta paid rallway mall clerks. Examinations announced Jan. 15.

Sample In Institute, Dept. 287 Rochester, N.Y, questions free. Write Immediately. FrankJapanners on tinware wanted, Schafter street, Tinware Mfg. 76 Sedgwick Brooklyn.

Boys wanted, 16 to 17 years Schaffer old, to Tinware work our Japanning rooms. Kig. 76 Sedgwick street, Brooklyn. HELP WANTED. Wanted- -Railway mall clerks: $75.00 month.

Brooklyn examinations coming. Franklin Institute, Dept, 286 Rochester, Sample questions free. Write Immediately. N. Y.

HELP WANTED- -FEMALE. CUTTERS Why not earn more money? Learn- designing and cutting, Our short course lets you earn while you learn. Individual Instruction. Start course any time Easy terms. Send for free booklet.

Mitchell Schools, 41 W. 25th St. Evening sessions begin week of Sept. 1. Wanted -Women, Government clerks: month; Brooklyn examinations coming.

List Inetitute, Dept. 676 H. Rochester, N. goaltions obtainable free. Franklin Girls wanted, familiar with the manuof shaving brushes, steady work.

The James Lowe. Erskine 462 Greenwich street, N. Y. City. Girls, talk -betireen 16 and 17, to learn' rade: hours 8:80 to 5:30: $4 Maiden week to start: Hickey.

101 lane, New $10 weekly simple. making rose buds at 'home: spare time: oH. week: Bird's Eye Importing 156 5thl N. -Y. C.

Operators: 'experienced or learners; over sixteen' good pay: steady work. E. Clark, 1290 Teafte place. Women and girls for canning fruit, cutins. packing.

Bedford 146 Spencer Brooklyn I dear Myrtle and Body Ironer wanted: come prepared to rocket Methodist ITospital. Sisth st and Seventh Brooklyn. WANTED General house worker: small Family 825, to $30 Richmond monthly. Write L. or call.

550 Guion Hill, I. WASHING WANTED. Table WANTED and bed linen Ironed, ready for use WARRING, 6 CTE. A POUND, starched, dried, ready FAMILY LA BUREN ST. TELEPHONE.

2901 Bushwick FOR SALE. -Breaking up housekeeping; brass bed. complete, mahogany dresser, 88-note blayen piano, genuine leather parlor chairs, suite, carpet, runners, 11 dining linoleum room and beautioff paintings. Call evenings, after Hidebonrd, curtains, 102 Quincy sty near Bummer ave. House furniture for sate.

Call 4106 Woodhaven, L. 1. INSTRUCTION. Long Island Business BROOKLYN School 148-148 SO, Departments of Cool keeping, Stenotypy. Penmanship.

Businerd Spaniah. FOUNDED GRADUATES PLACED RAGTIME PIANO DE 20 357 Sandi Halsey Mandolin. Tel. 274 Bushwick. Colter.

1. NON The Ar Institute Choral Club, corner of Orange and Hicks still streets, has vacancies for a tow sopranos, altos, Bruno Hahn, conductorApply In person to Mr. Huhn al the onore and bassos. Candidates should natitute This evening at 7:45, HOUSES FOR SALE. 10c, a line, single Insertion 280.

line three times: line, seven times. PETER J. COLLINS' $5950 2 ONE HOUSES FAMILY CATON AV. E. 4TH FLATBUSH 7 Rooms, Tiled Bath, Laundry and Toilet In Cellar, Steam Hent, Elec- tricity, Parquet Floors, Decorated.

Take Church 10th Smith St. Franklin Av. Cars SACRIFICE -New one-family cottage: $3,800 large, parlor, light- dining sleeping room, kitchen; rooms, parquet floors, electric lights, hot water nester large porch; located near Flatbush avenues stores, pubile schob), etc: TERMS $500 CASH. FRANK E. FOSTER, 840 FLATBUSH AV.

8796 19TH AVE. BATH BEACH. Best bargain ever offered; 2-family detached cottage; 14 rooms, 2 batha; porches: lot 26 by 96; all cars and subway: first, mortgage $2,000 (1917); sacrifice, terms, might exchange. OTH AVE. 90TH ST.

1-family 8-room houses, garage; steam heat: gas; electrio; parquetry; vacuum cleaner: shower: $500 cash: $15 monthly. Bullder, 1465 14th Take West End to 74th at. 06,000 two-family bargain, 3-story, basement brownstone 11 rooms, baths hot water heat, hard wood trim; open plumbing: terms to sult. Address Stuyvesant, Box 00, Standard Union. $4950 Forty-Fifth $4950 Borough baths; first Park, mortgage, family $3,500 want offer.

brick, 12 rooms, RAMEE, 571 Hamburg Avenue, GRAND AV. one Between of the Gates most desirable locations on the Hill; 3 basement brownstone: 11 rooms and bath; great bargain. HAVILAND SONS, Fulton Grand Ave AMITY NE. CLINTON. Well-built 1-story brownstone, easy terms: owner must sell.

ANTHONY VAN BERGEN, 525 Nostrandi LOOK AT THIS HOUSE; 3-STORY AND BASEMENT ON DUFFIELD ST: PRICE 1120 ONLY MELOUGHLIN, NOSTRAND AVE. Choice 8-sty. houses: 0. 3 familles; $4,500 or less; tree and clear; easy terms. ESTERBROOK 1463 Fulton, 382 nr.

Bedford. Tompkins. 4-story double, brick; A big bargain! rooms rents, and bath: lot price, 27x100; mortgage, cash, $3,000. Becker Jaeger, 1417 Gates ave. Must Sacrifice, near Bushwick ave.

family English basement, lot 25x100; Woodbine excel- st. lent location. Alferman. 48 dapple brick, with store; Bargain all rented; 4-story no violations. Inquire Elberteld, 658 Jamalca Richmond Hill Detached frame house, rooms: cash, tota 25x100; Improved street: price $400.

DALTON, .90 East 5th street. -BIG BARGAIN- HALSEY fur- ST. 9 rooms, bath: brick; open nace; handsome open dally' 2-5. 2-family, subway. bay Owner, windows.

Box 100, 826 9th st. two furnaces; near REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 10c. line, single insertion; line three times; 50e. a line.

seven times. BAY RIDGE NEAR SUBWAY TATION BUILD Opportunity WHERE YOU CAN SELL Builder. Speculator A. J. WALDRON.

1158 Bedford Ave. With ail modern improvements, gas, water, In macadam road, on plot 60x120 feet; large veranda on both sides of house; walk pear school, stores and churches: short to depot: at a sacrifice; full price $2,500, worth terms $200 down, balance $20 month: this must be seen to be appreciated; free tickets to see it 258 any Broad- day. Write or call, RAY SMITH, way. New York, Room 403.: DUCK FARM. A farm of acres on beautiful duck pond with running streams; fine for balance ducks and chickens; will take $50 cash, $10 per month; on South Shore: only 40 minutes from New Tork; full price $750.

Write Jos. Murphy, 1803 71st Brooklyn, Plot 50x100: all Improvements; good out: neighborhood; $190- wonderful bargain. B. F. Mcnear station: 35.

minutes Lain, 47 W. 34th N. Y. C. Merrick.

8-room house; acres land fronting Clarence B. Smith, roads: 1424, Fulton Bklyn. two $4.500: easy payments. LONG ISLAND REAL ESTATE. 100.

line, single insertion; 25c. Hine three times: 50e. a line, seven times. 7-ROOM HOUSE QUEENS BOROUGH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 10c.

a line, single Insertion: 25e. a line three times: line, seven times. BEAUTIFUL RICHMOND HILL SOUTH On LIBERTY AVE. EXTENSION: 5 cent fare DIRECT to PArR ROW. SPECIAL BARGAINS- -Brand hard new wood cottages.

floors 6 and 1 rooms and bath, trim; steam heat, sleeping large plots: shade trees: fine home section. Speclal of $8,900 and terms ranged; -near "L' station. WEBB RAUMERT. sole Liberty cpr. Church near Lefferts ave.

Station: end of line. Phone, 482 Richmond Hill. Open Evenings and Sundays. OBITUARY. JAMES E.

STAFFORD. James Edwin Stafford, a retired shipping broker, died yesterday at his home, 168 St. Marks avenue. He had lived nearly all his life in Brooklyn and had resided for, forty years on, the Park Slope. He was born in Bridgeport, sixty-two years ago, and is survived by his widow, Helen Vreeland Stafford, daughter of the late William A.

Vreeland, and two sons, William Vreeland and James Edwin Stafford, Jr. For many years Mr. Stafford was connected with the shipping firm of J. W. Parker which went out of business some time ago, He was a member of the Produce Exchange.

The funeral will be held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at his late home, the Rev. Dr. Carter of the Dutch Reformed Church officiating. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery Wednesday morning. MARGARET GRAHAM: The funeral of Margaret Graham, graduate of the Protestant Training School for Nurses, who died Saturday, will be heid to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 from the residence of her slater, Mrs.

John J. O'Connor, 229 Sandford street. Miss Graham was a daughter of the late John C. and Margaret Graham, and had always lived in Brooklyn. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery under of 917 direction of avenue.

Thomas F. Madden, Kent WILLIAM DRUMMOND, JR. William Drummond, died on Saturday of pneumonia in St. CathJarine's Hospittal. He was 30 years old, and is survived by his parents, Willdam and Kate Drummond, two sisters and a brother.

The funeral will be held from his late home, 2920 Fulton street, to-morrow at 2 P. Interment at Cypress Hills Cemetery under direction of William Necker: of 393 Gates avenue. PHILIP AUER. Philip Auer, 86 years old, of 1204 Greene avenue, retired -manufacturer of reed and rattan goods, died Saturday of old age at his home. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning with requiem masa at 10 APARTMENTS TO LET.

100. line, single Insertion: 25c. a line three times: 500. a llue, seven times. Steam Heat, Hot Water Supply 168 State and bath 1284 Dean st.

and bath. Halses 6 and bath. 3 Sterling places and 66 and bath CLARENCE B. SMITH, 1424 Fulton St. room apartments, hot water, electric lights, steam In bathe: new bulldings Just finished: renth $19-392: Lincoln place, between Troy and Schnectady aves.

Inquire on premises, telephone 668 Bedford. 132 Kingston ave rooms and bath; steam heat; hot water; entirely renovated; 824: fine apartment: cheap rent. BULKLEY HORTON CO 586 NOSTRAND AV. 414 MYRTLE AV. PARKWAY COURT.

Elegant high-class apartments of 4 rms. all improvements; splendid location: rents $88 to 838. 791 Eastern Parkway, con Kingston ave. M. F.

Gleason; Builder, 458 Gates elegant 7 rooms halls heated: newly decorated: awnInge: centrally located: resident $20. rooms and bath; hot water; electric lights reasonable. Inquire ou premises. 675 Bedford ave. HOUSES TO LET.

10c. line, single Insertion; 25c, a line three times: 50c. a line, seven times. NEW 1-FAMILY HOUSE, 8 ROOMS BATH. PORCHES, PARQUET FLOURS.


REAR HOUSE, GOOD LOCATION, $18 1 rooms, newly decorated, gas, HENRY SCHENCK, 975-977 Grand Avenue 105 WALWORTH 2-sty. rear house; $5 and taking care of front house. PARTS OF HOUSES TO LET. 10c. a line, single insertion; 25e.

line three times: 50c. a line, seven times. 5 light airy rooms and bath. 1338 Prospect pl. Phone 8379W Bedford.

FLATS TO LET. 10c. a line, single insertion; 25c. a line three times: 50c. a line, seven times.


INQUIRE JANITOR. Four rooms and Improvements $8 to $11, Will pay part of moving expenses. Apply 1297-1369-1371 janitors. 925 Pacific near Washington rooms improvements; newly decorated; $10.50. Corner flat, 1577 Pacific corner bany 5 large rooms and bath; rent $17: newly decorated.

644 Park place, single flat, 6 rooms and bath: $19. 25 Rush 3 large rooms $8 685 MARCY near Hart, extra large 5 rooms, bath, single flat: $16. 34 MARION near Reid large, fine 5 rooms, with range; $12. $16- nice third flat; all well kept house. 141 Albany ave.

1842 BROADWAY: 5 rooms with bath: $7 and taking care of house; see STORES TO LET. 10c. a line, single insertion; 25c. a line three times; 50c. a line, seven times.754 PARK Tompkins store, with 3 large rooms, with Improvement; $15 ROOMS TO LET.

129 Butler street, 8 large rooms; painted, tubs, sink, gas, toilet; $9.00. ROOMS WANTED. Light Housekeeping. OR 2 Write Standard W. D.



RIDER, 50 COURT ST. MONEY FOR 1ST action, 2 now MTGES. rates. Henry Es. Redfield, 16 Court at.

carin 3814 o'clock in the Church of St. Barbara, interment following in Calvary Cemetery. Born in Germany, he had been a resident of the Eastern District for sixty years. He was a member of the West Side K. U.

the St. Catharine's Hospital Aid Society and the Holy Name Society. He is survived by his widow, Maria Elizabeth Betz: two sons, John and Frank; a daughter, Mrs. Mamie Mahr: five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. FRANK J.

GIBBONS. Frank J. Gibbons, a life-long dent of Brooklyn, died at his home, 314 First street, on Saturday. He was a member of St. Francis Xavier Church and was corresponding clerk for the Montgomery Ward Company, He is survived by his widow, Mary Longsworth Gibbons; a son, Joseph; a sister, Mary, and two brothers, William and John.

Funeral services will be held to-morrow at 2:80 P. M. at his late home. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery under direction of Doyle Kenny, of 197 Bridge street. SUSAN VESTER.

and three great-grandchildren. ESTHER B. LEVY, Susan Vester, widow of John Vester, died Saturday night after a brief 111- ness at the residence of her daughter, 237 Stanhope street, aged 72 years. The funeral will be held 1o-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Henry Mueller, pastor of the Greene Avenue German M.

E. Church, with interment In Lutheran Cemetery. Mrs. Vester was born In Germany and for fifty years had made her home- in the Eastern District. She was formerly a member of Church of St.

Mark. Her husband was a brewer. She was a member of the Cecilia Women's Benevolent Society, and leaven four daughters, Mrs. Catherine Reiners, Mrs. Anna Volz, Mrs.

Susan Warmuth and Mrs. Eliza Lutz: a son. Gottleb: sixteen grandchildren Esther Blankman Levy, wife of Major Benjamin I. Levy, died yesterday lat her home, 1586 Atfield avenue, Dunten. She was born Iri Philadelphia eighty-one years ago and moved to -Dunton a year ago from Manhattan.

She is survived by Her husband, who served in the Civil War and was brevetted major of the C. F. W. F. volunteers.

He is a member of the Loyal Sewing Machine Repair Shop ALL MAKES SKILFULLY REPAIRED PHONE 1880 MAIN -158 Lawrence Opp. A. S. BANKING AND FINANCIAL. BANKING AND FINANCIAL.





DAVENPORT FRED B. DALZELL Acts an Executor, Administrator, Trustee, Guardian and Committee Interest on Cheek Accounts, Special Rates on Time Deposits KINGS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY 844 and 846 Fulton Street OFFICERS: JULIAN D. FAIRCHILD, President. P. FAIRCHILD WILLIAM HARNESS D.

W. McWILLIAMS Vice-Presidents. WILLIAM J. WASON. Jr.

THOMAS Seay, HOWARD D. J00ST, Asst. Secy. J. NORMAN CARPENTER, Trust Officer Capital.

$500,000 Surplus and Profits, TRUSTEES: Walter E. Bedell D. W. McWilliams E. C.

Blum Henry A. Meyer Geo: V. Brower A. O' Frederick L. Cranford Charles E.

Perkins Robert A. Dryidale Dick 8. Ramsay. Julian D. Fairehlid H.

B. Scharmann Julian P. Fairchild John F. Schmadeke P. Grace Oswald W.

Uhl William Harkness John T. Underwood Joseph Huber W. M. Van Anden Whitman W. Kenyon John J.

Williams Llewellyn A. Wray. Accounta Invited, Interest Paid on Dally Balances. FORECLOSURES. COUNTY COURT.

KINGS COUNTY. Jennie Dahl, plaintiff, against Virginia Lee Egbert And others, defendants, -In pursuance of Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered In the above entitled action and bearing date the 11th day of October, 1915, I. designed, the Referee, in said Judgment named, will sell at auction to the highest bidder, by William P. Rae, auctioneer, at -the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No.

189 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 16th day of November, 1915. at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed by said judgment to be sold; and therein described an follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn of the City of. New York, County of Kings and State.of New York, bounded and described as tollows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of East Fifteenth Street distant two hundred and ninety-two feet eight and Inches southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of East Fifteenth Street with the southerly side of Ditmas Avenue: thence westerly at right angles to East Fifteenth Street one hundred feet; thence southerly parallel with East Fifteenth Street forty feet; thence easterly at right angles to East Fifteenth Street one hundred feet to the westerly side of East Fifteenth Street: and thence northerly along the westerly side of East Fifteenth Street forty feet to the point or place of beginning. Also all the right, title and Interest of the parties of. in and to East said Street, lying in front of and adjoining Ises to the centre line thereof.October 25th.

1915. WALTER M. EFFROSS, Referee. HARRY L. THOMPSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 175 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.

Y. 10-25-6-14 Legion and was for thirty-five years an inspector in the Custom House, retiring eight years ago. She also leaves two sons, Edmund J. and E. Blankman Levy.

The funeral will be held from her late home to-morrow at 1:30 P. M. The Rev. H. P.

Mendes of Manhattan will. officiate. Interment at Cypress Hills. FRANK J. MOFFAT.

Frank J. Molfat, who was born in the Second Ward forty-four years ago and whose home was at 62 Prospect street, died yesterday in Kings County Hospital. He is the last of his family. The funeral will be held at 2 P. M.

to-morrow from the parlors of A. A. Dougherty, 250 Jay street. SARAH E. HOLLIS.

Sarah E. Hollis, wife of John J. Hollis, died to-day at her home, 1735 West Twelfth street, in her seventysecond year. Funeral services will be held to-morrow evening at her late residence at 8:30 o'clock. Interment at convenlence of the family.

DELIA CONSIDINE. at Holy Cross Cemetery. SIDNEY GLASHEEN. Delia Considine died yesterday after a long Illness. She is survived by a sister, Susan.

The funeral will be held to-morrow from the parlors of M. L. Murnane Son, -243 Sixth avenue, followed by requiem mass at St. Francis Xavier's R. C.

Church. Interment Sidney Glasheen, son of Sophia and the late Michael Glasheen, died yesterday at his home, 242 Lorraine street. He was born in England twenty-four years ago, coming to this country when a child. Besides his mother, he is survived by three brothers and two sisters. He WAR 8 member of the Church of St.

Mary Star of the Sea. Funeral servies will be held Wednesday at 2 P. M. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. JOSEPH KEENAN.

Joseph Keenan died yesterday at his home, 153 Gravesend avenue. He was born in Keady, County Armagh, IreHand, sixty years ago and is survived by his widow, Margaret Atchison Keenan; five daughters, Lucy, Mary, Margaret, Ellen and Isabelle, and two sons, Joseph and Alexander. The funeral will be held Wednesday at P. M. from his late home.

Interment at Holy Cross under direction of Michael McCaffrey of 65 Madison street, Manhattan. MARIE GOGGINS. Marie. Gorgins died yesterday the home of her uncle, Patrick Goggins, 11 Tompkins place, after a brief Illness. She was born in Ireland twenty-one years ago and had been a resident of Brooklyn for the past four years.

She was a member of Paul's R. C. Church and the societies connected with It. She 1s survived, besides her uncle, by her father and mother, both of whom live in Ireland. The funeral will be held to-morrow from the residence of her uncle, thence to St.

Paul's Church, Court and Congress streets, where requiem mass will be celebrated. The officers of the mass will be the Very Rev. Mgr. M. G.

Plannery, D.D., celebrant; the Rev. F. P. Connolly, deacon, and the Rev. F.

P. Flannagan, subdeacon. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery under direction of William J. Hurley, of 195 Court street. ABRAHAM VI B.

BUSH. Abraham V. B. Bush died yesterday at the home of his son, Frank, 265 -Seventh avenue. He was born in Brooklyn eighty-six years ago and was prominent in the building bustness.

He is survived by four sons. John. Stephen, George and Frank. Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. Caton.

of the Twelfth Street Reformed Church, at P. to-morrow. Interment Wednesday morning At Greenwood Cemetery, CATHARINE DICHHORN. Catharine Elchhorn, widow of Mare tin Etchhorn. died.

Saturday at her home, 122 Weirfleld street. She Was member of St. Martin of Tour 1915 OCTOBER 1915 Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 020 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OCT. 25 IN HISTORY. 822-Demosthenes, Greek, orator, died by poison to prevent falling into the hands of his enemies.

1400-Died. Geoffrey Chaucer. the father of English poetry. 1415 Battle of Agincourt in France. 1812-American frigate United States under Decatur captured the British frigate Macedonian.

1854 Battle of Balaklava, famous charge of the Light Brigade. Anglican Church within the walls of Rome opened. Ministry forced to resign in on account of the disclosures the Dreyfus case. 1000-Great Britain annexed the Transvaal in South Africa. 1014-Russian checked Austrian attacks south of Przemysl; Russians pressed pursuit of Germans from Warsaw, and all day battle on the western front resulted in no ad vance of Germans or Allies.

POLITICS AND POLITICIANS TAMMANY MEETINGS TO-NIGHT. Ninth Assembly District Association, Bay Ridge and Third avenues- Speakers: County and local candidates and Daniel J. Griffin, John H. Meagher and James A. Davis.

Third Assembly District Association, 314 Clinton street- Speakers: County and local candidates and Edward J. Byrne, George W. Martin and John J. McManus. William E.

Kelly Campaign Club, St. Johns place and Kingston avenue -Speakers: County, municipal court and local candidates. Seventh Assembly District Club, 792 Fourth avenue. Speakers: County, municipal court and local candidates. Seventh Assembly District 192 Fourth avenue Speakers: County, municipal court and local candidates and Frederick L.

Kopff, Franklin Taylor, W. W. Wheatley and Bernard Vause, Nineteenth Assembly District Association, Jefferson street- Speakers: County, municipal court and local candidates, Twenty-second Assembly District Club, P. S. 171, Lincoln and Ridgewood arennes Speakers: County, municipal court and local candidates and Patrick E.

Callahan, Charles E. Russell and Vincent P. Donthee. Charles D'Andrea Association, 232 Union avenue. Speakers: County and local candidates.

Twenty-third A. D. Club, Avenue and Utica avenue. Speakers: Henry Ward Beer, Vincent P. Donihee, Joseph J.

Timmes, Aaron L. Jacoby, Frank Wasserman and Joseph T. Wright. 1,000 Watchers on Election Day. thousand watchers for Election Day" is the slogan of the Volunteer Watchers' League.

The league is a branch of the Honest Ballot Agsociation, and it is non-partisan. On its executive committee there are eleven Democrats, nine Republicans and four Progressives Rayford president, and Maitland Dwight, secretary, both independent Democrats, be seen any evening at the central office of the Honest Ballot Association in the Astor Court Building, Manhattan, working stde by side with Charles E. Hughes, Jr. and William Jay-Schiettelin, Republicans. Italians Honor Roy.

Italian-Americans gave a banquet in honor of County Judge Roy yesterday at 176 Melrose street. The Roy boomers will confer this afternoon at 389 Fulton street, headquarters have been established. To Aid Kelly Boom, To-morrow night in Saengerbund Hall the so-called Non-Partisan Labor Committee and the Square Deal League will hold a meeting to land William E. Kelly, Tammany candidate, for County Clerk. Colby to Speak Here.

Bainbridge Colby will deliver an address to-morrow night at a meeting of the Bull Moose County Committee in the Johnston Building. The affair is primarily in honor of F. H. Schomburg, candidate for Sheriff. Franco-Americans Meet.

H. 8. Renaud, Albert Quinche, Joseph Hogue and Joseph Sausville were speakers at a Franco-American Democratic club meeting Saturday night at Rascher Hall, 2863 Atlantic avenue, which opposed the new Constitution. The Standard Union, daily and Sunday, one cent. Seven days, seven cents.

model, with, of course, the muffling collar and the ever-present touch of fur at the throat and wrist, which here is beaver in charming contrast to the silky blackness. The second is an extremely graceful coat of the softest velour de laine, fully lined and richly relleved with MEETINGS. THE BROOKLYN UNION GAS CO. 176 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the of THE BROOKLYN UNION GAS COMPANY WILE be held at the office of the Company, No.

176 Remsen street, Brooklyn, N. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1915, at o'clock P. for the election of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. Stock transfer books of the Company will be closed on Saturday, October 23rd, 1915, at noon, and reopened on Wednesday, November 10th, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. FRANKLIN B.

JOURDAN, Secretary. Church, where requiem mass will be celebrated to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Interment at St. John's Cemetery under direction of John Glinnen's Sons, of 64 Herbert street. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs.

James Cummings, nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren. HENRY CLARK. greens Cemetery. VIRGINIA LORRE. Henry Clark died at the home of J.

T. Danner, 940 Fourth avenue, on Friday. Born in Manhattan fortytwo years ago, he is survived by a son, Walter, and a sister. Mrs. Willlam Murray, Funeral services were held this afternoon at the home of Mr.

Danner. Interment at Ever- Virginia Lorre, a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, died at her home, 8659 Bay Twenty-first street, on Saturday, She was the wife of. John Lorre, a boss stevedore. She was born in Brooklyn, and was a member of the Church of the Visitation for twenty years and later of the Church of St. Finbar.

In addition to her husband she is survived by two sons and eight daughters; her mother, Mrs. Bassalini, and two brothers and a sister. The funeral will be held at her late home Wednesday at 2:30 P. M. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery under direction of Joseph Redmond, of 90 King street.

HENRY FARENHOUT. The funeral of Henry Farenhout, who dropped dead in the Hamilton avenue station on Saturday, will be held at the undertaking parlors of Jeseph Redmond, 90 King street, on Wednesdays at 10 A. M. and interment will be at Evergreens Cemetery. He was fifty-eight years old and lived at 39 Hamilton nvenue.

He was a member of the Painters and Decorators' Union, Local No. 679, and had been a resident of Brooklyn for twenty-one years. OSBORNE NASH. Osborne Nash, a veteran of the Civil War and father of Magistrate Howard P. Nash, died of general debility on Saturday in Weymouth, Mass.

Born in Addison, he was seventy-one years old, and was a descendant of an old Massachusetts family, During the Civil War he served with the Forty-fourth chusetts Regiment and he later reenlisted United States Signal Corps, serving in the Department of the Gulf until 1865. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic' and was quartermaster of his post for twenty-five years. He leaves a widow and one son. THOMAS B. McCARTHY.

Thomas B. McCarthy, lifelong resident of Brooklyn, died yesterday at his home, 167 Snyder avenue. For many years he was a member of the Sacred Heart Society of Holy Cross Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated on Wednesday morning. In addition to his parents he is survived by seven sisters and two brothers. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery under direction of James F.

Duffy, of 192 Eleventh street. ANNA K. FULLING. Anna K. Fulling died on' Saturday at her home, 1107 Rogers avenue.

She was born in Germany seventy-two years ago, and is survived by five children, George, John and Fulling, Mrs. Charlotte Schiller and Mrs. Minnie Roeschlau. For many years she was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church in Flatbush. Funeral services will be held at her late home to-morrow at 2 P.

M. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery under direction of P. McCanna's Sons, of 804 Flatbush avenue. WONDERFUL NEW COATS. For more than twenty-five years coat specialists, the house of Bedell, in its newest fashion shop at 19 West Thirty-fourth street, Manhattan, 2 shows a wonderfully diverse coat sealskin.

A coat for every occasion sortment at prices which readily ex- and distinctive for each. plain the crowded coat salon. The third is an exponent of the Three smart models are illustrated, plaide in a beautiful dimmed patench ciniming its full quota of ad- torn woven Into deerskin sibeline. miration. The first is of sumptuous Skunk oppossum trima the muttling Beal velour in debonaire flaring I collar and cuffed sleeves.

"MRS. BOLTAY'S DAUGHTERS" AT THE COMEDY THEATRE "Mrs. Boltay's a new play with a daring theme and a distinctly foreign atmosphere, despite a the fact that the action -is supposed to take place in Washington, D. was produced for the first time last Saturday night at the Comedy Theatre, Manhattan, with Rita Jolivet and Harrison Hunter in the principal roles. The work Is credited to Marion Fairfax and according to the programme is founded on the Hungarian of Eugen Heltal.

Miss Fairfax has not changed the nationality of her characters around which the play moves, and so many in the audience not acquainted with Hungarians or Magyar characteristics, might have believed that young ladies in Hungary can be as simple as some of Mrs. Boltay's daughters. The oldest of Mrs. Boltay's four daughters 1s a young actress earning a scant salary who is suported by an elderly man, and she in turn contributes largely to the support of her mother and her three sisters. A young man of literlary tendencies eventually falls In love with this older sister and wants to marry her and there in agitation in the home of the Boltays at the possible loss of the family supporter, whose chief method of supporting them is supposed to be unknown to all but the mother.

The revelation comes to the younger of the daughters and she decides to go to the man of wealth and request that he allow her to take her older sisters place, despite the fact that she herself is in love with the literary young man. The wealthy Lothario, who has found happiness through his long life by always pleasing himself, suddenly learns he has a little conscience left, refuses to consent to the substitution, marries. the older sister and thus makes the road to matrimonial happiness easy for the literary man and the younger sister. Miss Jolivet held the Interest of her audience throughout the interpretation of the play by her remarkable facility in expressing emotion and also with a remarkable pair of fur trimmed silk stockings. Harrison Hunter, as the principal support of the Boltay family, played his part with finish and artistic resources of the highest order.

Annie Hughes made the unnatural and unmoral mother of the four girls very natural, and Forrest Winant was sincere as the young literary lover. PATROLMAN RAYNOR HONORABLY DISCHARGED Patrolman Valentine Raynor, of the Classon avenue station, was today honorably discharged in the Coney Island court. He had been accused of taking a diamond pin from Patrolman Charles F. Hagen's vest pocket while they were the Coney Island station. Magistrate Naumer said there was no proof Raynor had taken the pin.

BIG ANTI-SUFFRAGE, MEETING TO- Mrs. John Bulek, chairman of the Bushwick anti-suffrage committee, announces that plans are pleted for a big mass meeting at Palm Garden, Greene and Hamburg avenues, to-morrow night. The speakers in opposition to votes for women will include Miss Alice Hill Chittenden and Harrison C. Glore. DON QUIXOTE'S AND THE JUDICIARY To the Editor of The Standard Union: Few men appear to be satisfied with their lot in life.

Many public men seem to be aiming at thing for which they are totally unfitted, in either temperament or experience. Just now we have in Kings two "Richmonds" in the field- for 9u- preme Court judiciary honors- one an experienced and able judge, the other a perennial office holder- a Congressional parliamentarian of 18 years' standing; the. one a lawyer of extensive practice before he. ever was promoted to the bench; the other a lawyer who since his admission to the bar never as much as tried a Supreme Court case. The choice of the voters of Kings lies between a Washington parliamentarian with little or no practice in our courts, and a lawyer who has been an efficient Judge of the Municipal Court and later Judge of the Supreme Court.

When hardly: past infantile days it was my sad experience (a mere coincidence, of course,) to read Miguel great book, "Don Quixote, the drift of whose satire I did not fully realize at the time. Nevertheless upon the immortal "Don" slept day and night for weeks. In childish fancy I followed his then (to me) wonderful adventureswhether in heroic combat with windmills, wine-bladders. succoring or rescuing unhappy maidens, or admonishing his more naterialist esquire, Sancho Panza, on the cardinal sin of gluttony. Poor Sancho (how my heart bled for him at the time) was often in a quandary as to how he might replenish his physical larder, without giving offense to his august master; but at last his stomach troubles seemed to come to an end: He was appointed Governor of Barataria.

The appointment, however, much to Sancho's disgust. lasted but one day- and Sancho (the inimitable Pooh Bah of that chivalrio time) made things hum for at least twenty hours out of the twentyfour. His judgments in the courts were so ephemeral that they are unrecorded, though much might be said of his culinary tastes and expertness this line, for there Sancho's strong point lay- dot, in passing of judgments on delinquents who came before him in his gubernatorial capacity, but in a good square meal, with all the etcetera. Now if Sancho Panza had any legal training he might have feathered his nest to advantage and left the Judgment seat with an additional star in his crown, but being one of the common herd, with not even parliamentary attainments, he let the golden moment elude him, so went out of office as poor as when he first arrayed himself in the ermine. Even those who had relied at the beginning on his un-Solon-like Judgments, were the first to scoff at him as he quit his gubernatorial job.

Discredited even by the chivalrous Don -Sancho took refuge in his only solace, A meal that alleviated his sorrows. No doubt this unexpected experience turned the scale In Sancho's life, and once more he became a bucolic citizen by deserting the Immortal "Don." and retiring to private life to sun himself smiles of the good Don's Dulcinen del Toboso, Now passing Sancho number one, come of necessity to Sancho number two- candidate for a Supreme Court Judgeship, the Hon John J. Fitzgerald- a genial, amiable VICTOR VICTROLAS Columbia Talking $1.00 WEEKLY Complete stack of Recorde all 350, 50c Edina Double Face GUARANTEE PHONO CO. 5 mine, walk Washington from abro Open Evenings and FINANCIAL NEWS. N.

Y. Stock Exchange Prices. Open. Noon. Late.

Allis-Chalmers Allis-Chalmers pt. 783 Alaska 32 Ag Can 64 Beet 66 Car Hide H. 56 56 56 Ice Linseed 48 48 73 Steel Sugar Tel Woolen Anaconda 75 Atchison 93 93 BRign Rap Bethlehem 575 575 575. Baldwin 146 1490 Butte 63 Canadian Pacific. Central Gt St I Chino Copper Fuel Consol Gas Prod 19 Prod Ret pt.

Crucible 95 Crucible Sti 109 109 109 Continental 108 108 Sec 49 1st 2d Electric Motors 373 373 373 Motors 118 113 113 Northern 122 Nor Ore 52 Guggenheim 68 Goodrich 77 78 Paper Paper Interboro Insp Copper 45 Kan City South. Lackawanna 85 Lehigh 77 Max Motors 80 Motors 1st 99 Max Motors 2d pt Mex 901 91 Miami Copper Kan 5 Enam 35 NY Air 147 147 153 Central 81 Ont Nor 117 117 117 Nor Pacific 112 112 Phila Co 47 Pennsylvania 59 Pitts Coal 39 39 Pitts Coal 109 109 109 Pullman Co Spring 49 49 49 Reading 81 Rep I A 16 Seaboard A pid 39 39 39 Sloss Sheff Steel. Pacific 981 Southern 21 21 21 pfd 59 59 59 Studebaker 186 Tenn Copper Texas Pacific 13 13 13 Third Ave United Cig Stores 20 10 10 Union pta. 25 Union Pacific 136 136 Cast I 1 P. 28 29 Cast I 49 49 49 Express 684 00 Rubber 8 Steel 86 Steel Ind Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem 48 West Union 80 80 West Elec 73 Mest.

Willys 2604 Sales to 2 P. Stocks, 900,300 shares; bonds, $3,257,000. and suave gentleman, whose chiet charm is one hyperion lock and gold-rimmed eye glasses. It 4 said by close observers that the strength of Mr. Fitzgerald's oratorical utterances lies in the silken string attachment, which here and dangles there; it is fatuous and brilliant in movement.

This important! Please don't fail to note the gold-rimmed glasses and silken string before going to the polls! This delightful, modern Sancho 50 it is hinted- would be much more at home in Congressional Committee, splitting hairs on parliamentary procedure, than as a Supreme Court Judge in Kings and Queens. What he doesn't know about legal procedure would fill an averagesized volume. And 'bear in mind, you voters of Kings and Queens, Congressman Fitzgerald is backed such courteous gentlemen as Messrs. John McCooey, Morrissey Grey, Quinn, et not leaving out reckoning Charles F. Murphy of that Ilk, backed by the Tiger of Fourteenth street! We all know what decent lawabiding citizens McCooey, Morrissey.

Quinn and Charles F. Murphy are. We all know of their self -effacement, their extraordinary financial sacrifices in the past, and their long sired object to regenerate and augment Kings and Queens, as well some of the other boroughs which have fallen into Innocuous desuetude. What these humanitarians and philanthropists with a big P. want, honest government.

They have ways been after "honest but up to this it has eluded them not because of their clean records and self sacrifices in years gone by but because of waywardness of the dishonest the ungodly, whom they are trying to corral into the fold of righteousness and good government. They are and always have been in politics for pure love of right- and they urge on all of you voters each all of you, mind to cast a ballot Sancho Panza Fitzgerald on the ond of next month. But the voter who will be cozened will see no further than tip of his nose- and will figuratively kick himself thereafter for so underating his common sense and independence. Now the question la -for whom the citizens of this borough going vote an honest and capable Judge like Stephen Callaghan, or a Sancho Panza like John J. gerald- the lawyer who never tried a case in the Supreme Court? GERALD.

CARLTON. Mra: Rose Miesel, 51 years old, of 190 Throop avenue, was found anconscious from exposure on the sidewalk In tront of 123 Gerry street by Policeman Schewtting of the Clymer, street station shortly after midnight. She was taken to Williamsburg Hospital. STEAMBOATS Hudson River Day Line Dalis, except. Sunday, Desbrossea St.

01 West 120 St. 9:00: West Sta 0:20 making Intermedia Albany. Direct rail tone. Music. Restaurant All through rail tickets between New Yorkt and Albany Brookiyn to Hudson River Lin ton Direct.

and One Flatbush Fare. Telephone at Spring. complete time table Inside cover book. One Newburgh his 1s by the deas is al- the the and at 265 in the at will and for sec- 8t. thus the are to Fitzyet..

Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2025)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.