The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)

1 1 A A A A A A 18-C The S.C. Tuesday, December 13, 1988 Unfurnished Apartments 232 $200 OFF FIRST MONTH'S RENT. Super large 2 BR, 1 BA in heart of Shandon. Hardwood floors, mini blinds on all windows. Hot water Included in rent, Laundry facilities available.

Call 254-7477. OGBURN GALLUP Property Management 101 Manorwood 1 1.5Ba $410 Unit B-5 Abngtn Aly (Deerwood) 2BR 1Ba $350 1204 Misty Rd 25R 2.5Ba $410 Watermark Unit 2073 2BR 2Ba $475 241 Vallejo 1BR 18a $250 Brickyard Cndos 3BR, 2Ba 5480 CALL 799-6664 PRIVATE ATHLETIC CLUB at the doorstep of your new luxury apartment Racquetball Courts Jacuzzis Steam Room Wt. Room Whirlpools Sun Room Tennis Courts Ceiling Fans Swimming Pool Fireplaces Wkly Aerobic Classes Microwaves HAMPTON COURTS Behind Woodhill Mall off Garners Ferry Road 2 Bedrm apts starting at $370 Ask about our mo free rent special. 783-5390 QUAIL HOLLOW M-F Sat 10-5 Call today 794-6025 RAINTREE APARTMENTS 3500 Fernandina RIVERBEND APTS. 1,2,3 BR Avail, Immediately 794-2948-W.

Hwy 378 RIVERCHASE APARTMENTS Lease here and receive a free membership to NEW LIFE FITNESS WORLD. 772-5348. RIVER RIDGE 2 BR Special on 779-2373 ROOSEVELT VILLAGE APTS. 2 Bedroom, 100 Apartments Ph. 771-0248.

ROSEWOOD APTS 1-2-3 Bedrooms 504 S. Beltline Blvd 782-7948 KILBOURNE 2BR townhouse appliances, central $335 per mo. 765-1530. Financial Devel'pt Corp. SENIOR CITIZENS Forest Corners welcomes you.

We offer a variety of floor plans and you will be within walking distance of shopping center, etc. Call today for specials. 787-6566. Shandon, 2BR carpet, W-D no pets. 2808 Shandon Place, 5395.

Ph. 256-7150, 782-6347. SHANDON 3010 HEYWARD ST 1BR, carpet, water furnished. 788-7171 Shandon New 2 BR, carpet, stove refrig, conn. Call 782-0502.

Small renovated 2 bedroom apartment near Columbia College. $255 mo. plus deposit. 782-4440. 145 South Pickens, 2 BR, 1 BA, 5400 mo.

Rosen Real Estate 799-1202 Fri ST. ANDREWS AREA 1, 2 3 BR, apts. starting at $299 mo. No security deposit qualified applicants with A-1 credit. Lodge West 772-4595.

ST. ANDREWS R9 Lexington Green, 2BR, $375 1636A Marley 2BR, $375 Al Riverhill Condo, 2BR, $400 JACKSON 530 Deerwood, 2BR, $375 1203 Gladden, 2BR, 5400 3719 Hickory, 2BR, $275 318 Whaley, 2BR, $325 NORTH 1102A Beliview, 1BR, $225 1305 Johnson, 1BR, $240 Marstellar Apts, 2BR, $275 COLUMBIA NORTHEAST 1733A Springwood, 1 "PHILLIPS PROPERTY MGMT. 252-7550 Taking applications for 1, 2, 3 bedroom apts. RICHLAND VILLAGE APTS, 1234 Universal Dr. 783-4268.

TALK ABOUT LOCATION! Our spacious 1 2BR's are within min of Cola Mall, 1-20 1-77. All of life's necessities at your fingertips, Call Palmetto Gardens, 788-5606. THE CHIMNEYS APARTMENTS An All Adult Community 7501 Brookfield Rd 788-0539 THE PARK APARTMENTS 1600 Longcreek Dr 798-0345 Three Rivers Apts. 2 3 BR Apt. Specials Excellent roommate floorplans $75 5 Deposit Through December 23rd 772-6500 Tired Of Over-priced Apts? Move In By Year-end Save $200 Attractive, private manufactured homes located 21 exit 119 1 BR from $250 2 BR from $285 3 BR from $310 AVAILABLE FURNISHED Pool, fitness center, playground, clubhouse ROLLING MEADOWS 796-1535 VA HOSP AREA Enjoy the large living area of these spacious 2 or 3 bedroom garden apts.

2 baths, dressing area, free cable TV HBO. Soundproof, convenient to shopping. 776-7984. CARRIAGE PLACE WE HAVE THE BEST REASONS TO START RENTING! FOXCROFT EAST Apartments Spacious 1, 2, 3 bedrooms conveniently located to School Dist. I1, Columbia Mall, Ft.

Jackson Day Care Center. Call Today at 788-7600! PROPERTIES, CARES 947-C Texas St. 1 BR Olympia 5250 1213 Whitney St. 1BR Olympia 5275. 643 Kentucky St.

18R Olympia $195. 4704 Palm Tree Ln. 3BR st. Andrews $410. 36 Royal Gate 2 BR Greengate $650.

1913 Ashford Ln. 3BR Carnaby Sq. $495. 782-2392 Duplex Rentals 234 Avail Now 2 BR, near Trenholm Plaza, 1100 sqft, Nice yard, pool. Call 788-3133.

2 BR. duplex, 4633 Oxford $300 mo. $150 sec. dep. Call 794-8210, Mon-Fri; 9 a.m.

5 p.m. DUPLEXES N.E. COLA $456 per month. 3BR, 2 full baths. Fully equipped kitchens.

Ask for Debbie The Manning Co. 788-4500 M- HIGHGATE COURT Duplex, Northeast Columbia. Super location, 3BR, 2B, den kit. 5525 per mo. Security Deposit required.

Call 788-2071. Condominiums and Townhouses 236 2 BR, 2 condo prestigious NE Cola location. Calf 788-1991 or 736-2940. Condominiums and Townhouses 236 Broad River Rd. area, 3 BR, 11h8, pvt.

patio, Internal vacuum, club house facilities. Avail. now, 1-800-922-7841 or 754-0351. CONDO AT HARBORSIDE 3 BR, Call Tony Panico at 359-6188. FOREST ACRES 2BR, 18 condo, extremely nice unit.

No pets. Available late December, For sale or lease. 5425 mo. Call George Lee, 779-8600, Lake Murray, Spence's Point at Lexington 2 BR, 2 on lake. FP, pool, tennis.

$625 mo. No pets. Ph 782-5000. Near 1-26 airport, 10 min. from downtown 2 BR, 1 BA TH, short term leases welcome.

798-3785. NE COLE-WILDEWOOD Prestigious location. Foyer, kit.w/EA, DR, LR french doors to private patio, 3BR 28R, Bth. Starting at Month FREE rent. Ask for Debbie Manning Co 788-4500 New 2 BR, 1 1a BA townhome.

Energy efficient. FP. Patio, outside storage, laundry room, all kitchen appliances including Icemaker. Exceptionally nice. $200 dep.

Columbia area. 794-4122 or 794-5885. Prestigious High rise, 2 BR, 2 8 condo. Call 771-7428 or 782-7160 after 3 PM. REFLECTIONS Temporary rental available, month to month lease, vacant and ready.

3 BR, BA, $600. 252-8818 SPRINGWOODS Spacious 2 BRs, 112 bath townhouse microwave, dishwasher more, Located at 1-77 Two Notch. $395 mo. sec. dep.

Call Jean 754-2071 St Andrews condo 2 BR, 2 FP, W-D conn, ground floor, avail immed. $450 mo. Call 732-1061. We Are The Difference! LEXINGTON COMMONS 3BR DUplex Townhomes. Call 791-4532.

Furnished Homes 238 Avail Feb 1 3 mi from Cola Bible College, 3BR, 1 LR, Kit, DR, outside storage area, stove, conn, optional 1 BR LR set, $385 mo. Victor, 254-9458 am or 737-7116 pm. BR house, near Beltline Bive Ferrell Rd. $100 dep. Call 254-6623.

OGBURN GALLUP Property Management 520 Wilmette 3BR 1.5Ba $500 CALL 799-6664 Unfurnished Homes 240 A 3BR, 2B, brick, fenced West Cola, $450 mo. Also, 3BR, condo, S. Beltline, $425 mo. 254-0287. A 2BR, 1BA, eat in kitchen, outside storage, fenced yard, pets allowed, close to USC, 738-0091 Skip.

A 3BR, 2BA, den wiFP, WW carpet, large lot Call 738-0091, 731-2695. AAAAA AVAILABLE 783-4000 $395-333 Ovanta Dr, 3 BR, 1 $550-26 Lakewood Village, 3BR, 2B $500-115 Village Walk, 2BR, $750-Will Deal! W. Buchanan, 2BR, 2B the Edwards Co. AAA Available now DOESN'T GET CHEAPER Carnegie ST, 1BR, 18 $195 1920 Heidt St, $195 825 Confederate St, 3BR, 2B $298 526 Hudson Ct, 3BR, $395 1412 Standish Rd, 4BR, $425 PATTON PROPERTIES 256-2184 AAA Avail now EAST COLUMBIA 101 Wise Ct, 3BR, 2B. 5445 712 Bitternut Rd, 3BR, $472 PATTON PROPERTIES 256-2184 AAAA West Cola.

1666 Batchelor St. BRs, BA, LR $375 per mo. Call Best Properties 796-9371. AAAA Near 112 Tennyson, 3BR, 2B, LR den, $435 per mo. Call Best Properties, 796-9371.

AAA Near Midlands Tech, 2 BR, 1 brick home, 2 screened porches, fenced yard, quiet neighborhood. deposit, water included. 779-0740 office, or 732-2278 home. A beauty in desirable Quail Creek near Fort LR High. 3BR, 2B, LR, den, fenced, fresh paint, new carpet.

$545. Option. Ph. 783-3490. A clean 2 bedroom, 1 bath home in Rosewood area.

Convenient to USC. $290 $225 dep. 781-9568 after 6pm. APARTMENTS HOMES MO. FREE RENT Some Units) L.R.

High 3BR, 2BA $450 NORTHEAST 1-2BR VA HOSPITAL 2 BR DUTCH SQUARE 2BR DEVINE ST 1-2BR $300-5350 Imperial Realty REALTORS Ben Wiggins Assoc. 799-3000 19 Arcadia Cove, 3BR, 2B $625 8199 Brookfield, 2BR, $375 8021 Baysprings Rd. $795 333 Concourse 3BR, 2B $525 212 Inway DR, 3BR, 2 $525 509 Splendora 3BR, $545 117 Rockingham 3BR, $450 N104 Suffolk, 2BR, $395 230 Hampton Hills 2BR, 1B $350 "The Corners" NE. 2BR, $390 11 Montreat Ct 3BR, 2B $500 20 N. Lake Point 2 BR, 2 1168 Misty Oaks, 2BR, 2B $385 117 Lionsgate, 4BR, $650 112 116 Parliament, 3BR, 28.

$650 219 New Holland, 2BR, 2B $425 Vonz Properties 788-2800 A sparkling clean 2 BR, 1 B. Large LR, DR, kit. Laundry, storage, carport Cola $325. 772-2554, 772-6436 Available immediately, Spring Valley area, 3 BR, 2 BA, low power bills. Call 736-8035.

AVAILABLE ROSEWOOD-2BR, 1BA, HW floors, no CB HANNON REALTY 799-6552 3 Bedroom in St Andrews Reasonable 791-4137 3 BR, 2 VA area, $550. 3 BR, Woodfield, $450 Lease, deposit, references 782-4443 or eve: 776-0610 3 BR, BA, 108 Crestmore Leesburg Rd, $400 mo. Rosen Estate, 799-1202 Mon-Fri BRANDON ACRES- WOODHILL MALL. 4BR, greatroom CB HANNON REALTY 799-6552 A carpet, 3 BR cottage close to Carolina Eastman in Gaston, $250 mo. dep.

Sober only. 772-3350 or 731-2573, ask for Frank. BRIARCLIFF 3 BR, 2 B. Rh schs. $550 mo.

788-2275 BRIARCLIFF A new 3BR, 2B, FP, garage, Call (404) 248-0328 Brick home behind VA Hosp. 2 paneled den for 3rd BR), 1 BA, DR, conn, util carport, storms, fenced. Lease sec dep. Call 776-3752 or 776-4797. Challedon, Irmo schools(Leaphart 3BR, carpet, carport.

781-3064. Columbia NE, 3 BR brick, 1 BA, Dec 15, $380 security. No pets. Dow Erwin Realty 788-0377. COUNTRY HOME, $600.

10 mi. Sumter Hwy. 3BR 2B rounded by 100 ac. 765-9130 252-2254 Forest Acres: $1000 mo, 3801 Verner, exec home, 3BR, 3B, LR, DR, FP, near Rich Mall. 765-9130 252-2254 Forest Acres 3 BR, LR, Cent Air, FP, hardwood floors, fenced yard patio, $550.

772-2049. Forest Acres, 4 BR, Irg. LR, DR, den FP, sq.ft. fenced yard. $800 sec.

req. 799-3747; 788-1338; 788-8579. FOWLER CO. 256-6295 738 Deerwood Rd, Rosewood, 3 LR, Den fenced, gas heat. 1333 Hibiscus, 3BR brick house, fenced, near S.

Kilbourne School, $375 mo. Call Ross Higgins Realty, 787-8437. Friarsgate 3 BR, new paint, new carpet, yd. Pets. dep.

781-8882 Irmo Schools Harbison, 4 BR, 2 1850 $595 Mo. plus sec. dep. Ph 781-8283 Business Rentals 258 1050 Sq.ft. Office Warehouse Bldg, West Columbia.

Call 776-4444 or 791-1600 Store Available. 5731 Percival Rd. Good for sales, retail or service business. 20 x40. $350 Call 787-5065.

36 74 STORE, NEW BUILDING, WILL DECORATE TO SUIT, LONG TERM LEASE, 1350 BUSH RIVER ZEIGLER-CAPES PROPERTIES, INC. Beltline Blvd. Forest Acres janitor $150-5290. 1100 Charleston Hwy. W.

Cola. $1,250. 2002 Green St. 5 Pts. $600.

782-2392 Warehouse Commercial Rentals 260 Approx. 9,000 Sq.ft. building on 3 acres of fenced property. Formerly Columbia Marine, ideal for sales, service or rental business. Call owner for details 786-2760.

Available for immediate occupancy 6000 sq ft warehouse with offices. Also has outside area for storage. Located on Queens Parkway, West Colubmia, SC. Ph 359-6923. Available for lease in West Cola to Hwy 378 126, 3000-5000 soft warehouse office area, call 359-6923 or 359-3596.

FARROW 77 LJ HOOKER DEVELOPMENTS up to 55,000 sq. prime Northeast 1-77 location. Call (803) 788-9156. 8000 sq ft of heated retail warehouse space Avail Jan 1st. Location Taylor St.

Call 252-1632 FRONTAGE RD. 1-20 321 1300 sq. ft. on 1 acre, with water septic, $425 mo. roll up doors PARKLANE ROAD next to Columbia Mall 1300 sq.

ft. $450 mo, roll up doors Call Mark Taylor DON TAYLOR ASSOC 782-4500 782-5846 1-20 378 2000 sq ft commercial house. Fronts Hwy 378, mile inside I-20. $500 mo. Great location for used car lot, day care.

Call 796-2550. TWO NOTCH COMMERCIAL PARK: 1-277 Fontaine Rd area. NEW units with 2 or more offices large drive-in or dock hi whse. From $615. BUSINESS PARK OF ST ANDREWS St Andrews Rd near 1-26 1-20.

NEW offices with large drive-in or dock hi whse. From SUMTER HWY BUSINESS PARK: NEW space near VA Fort. Excellent visibility access. Avail now Only RESOURCE 1500 sq. ft.

total. 4 offices (like new), 900 sq. 600 sq. ft. warehouse.

10x10 overhead door, 15x50 outside fenced storage. 754-8525. 1750 sq.ft. warehouse, office bath just off Two Notch. Bruce Shealy.

754-7255 or 781-8167. Financial Investors Wanted 266 Earn $3000 on $15,000 investment in 8 months. Loan secured by titled new equipment valued at $50,000. Fully insured with no liens. (803) 496-7297.

Business Opportunities 268 ART GALLERY FREE STOCK New, modern, vault, alarm, or small down, sacrifice, trustee. 788-0786. AUTO SHOP 4 BAY $480 MONTH Loan or down. New doors. Discount for cash.

788-0786. Be captain of your own ship. Buy an ADMIRAL STEAMER CARPET CLEANING FRANCHISE, in fastgrowing carpet cleaning market investment. "Admiral means SUCCESS. Call 1-800-922-6723.

Convenience Store in Hendersonville, NC. 3 years old. Ready to go. High traffic count. Available long term lease or purchase.

(704) 696-8686 or (704) 697-1913. Convenience store, fully furnished, reasonable rent, Rosewood Dr. Call 254-0110 aft. 6:30, 765-0363. MARTIN THOMPSON Business brokers, business appraisals, Franchise sales.

Columbia, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Florence 256-2233. Restaurant Ready to Lease Equip. Building. Rent $1000 dwn, $1000 mo. You pay util.

256-2403. 7 STORES $39,900 EACH down, $299 modern, glass, cash discount for all 7. Ph. 788-0786. YOGURT STORE Great location.

Profitable. Good terms. Call 704-821-7251. Financial Real Estate Planning 274 ARE YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS BEHIND? For the right help, CALL MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE OF S. C.

Keep your house in your name Stop your credit Call 252-1401. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS Chapter 13, Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, Repossessions. No charge for first visit. Drose and Associates 1901 Gadsden Street 779-5365 Real Estate Loans 278 A1 'ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! NEED MONEY? SSS EQUITY LOANS AVAILABLE Is Qualifying a Problem? Abandoned by the Bank? WE HANDLE CREDIT PROBLEMS! Rates as low as 11.50% Slow Pay OK Quick Easy Loans For Any Good Reason HOMESAVERS LOAN 772-7500 A-1 A-1 HOME EQUITY LOANS APPLICATIONS BY PHONE 2nd MORTGAGES AS LOW AS 11.25% WEAK OR GOOD CREDIT STOP FORECLOSURES Originating Non-Qualifying 1st Mortgages With Good Credit PIEDMONT CAPITAL MORTGAGE 765-0865 DEBT CONSOLIDATION? HOME IMPROVEMENT? Mortgage loans for any purpose. Competitive rates.


Lexington County. ZONE 2 West Columbia, Cayce, Springdale, Pine Ridge, ZONE 8 Southeast Columbia ZONE 13 Lake Murray Area. South Congaree area. Area. ZONE 14 NW Areas of Lexington ZONE 3 City of Columbia ZONE 9 Rural Areas of Southeast and Richland Counties.

Richland County. ZONE 4 Columbia Northeast ZONE 15 Rural Areas of North ZONE 10 Rural Areas of Southern Richland County. ZONE 5 Forest Acres, Arcadia Lexington County. Lakes ZONE 11 Areas surrounding ZONE 6 East Columbia, Lake of town Lexington. Katherine Area.

Unfurnished Homes 240 FREE RENT FOR DECEMBER 7006-B Hilo 1 bedrm, duplex, just off Leesburg private, $250 mo. 1800 Thorndyke 3 bedrm. house, large corner lot, just off Two Notch Rd. in Moseley Hills $395 mo. 610 Tyler 2 bedrm.

duplex in Rosewood, new paint and carpet, $295 mo. 3705 Woodbury Leesburg Rd. area, 3 bedrm, house, $375 mo. 7037 Julia St. 2 bedrm.

mobilehome off Leesburg $250 mo. 7020 Hilo 2 bedrm. mobilehome off Leesburg $225 mo. 119 Calvin 2 bedrm. in town of S.

Congaree, $250 mo. Ross Higgins Realty, 787-8437 Irmo-2 story, brick, 3BR, car garage unfinished rm. over. $700 sec. dep.

Irmo-3BR, 2B, fenced yard, porch, sunken den more. Irmo-3BR, 2B, den, fenced backyard, deck, Irmo-3BR patio home, pool, in exclusive Lost Creek, Call for' details-Steve Crater Realty 7037 Julia 1 block off Leesburg, small 2BR mobile home partially furnihsed. $250 per mo. Call Ross Higgins Realty, 787-8437. with 3 or 4BR home near Cola.

Mall. Lrg horne yard. Conv. to Mall Fort. applies towards purchase price.

Call Sunvest 254-6525. LEASE WITH OPTION 3BR, S. Congaree, $585. 3BR, Leesburg Rd, $435, 2BR, Dentsville, $285. 3BR, Gaston, $365.

796-7591. Near Columbia Mall just remodeled, 2 BR study, 1B, LR, DR, Kit, Avail. immed. 1-800-922-7841 or 754-0351. Near Dreher High School on Maple St, 2 story, 4 BR, 2 BA, fenced backyard, modern kit, FP, quiet tree lined street.

Call 771-7900, 777-3321 or 787-5200. Near Dutch Square. $425. 3BR, duplex. Stove, refrig, 2017-A Apple Valley.

765-9130 or 252-2254. New 2 BR, 2 BA home, slate FP, 20 min from town, excellent neighborhood. 733-8078 days, 794-1004 nights. NEW FRIARSGATE $550 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Great Rm fireplace, dining room, Irmo schools. Call Joan or Ron, The Settler 732-0190.

NEW FRIARSGATE- Lease 2BR, 2BA home. Nice kitchen, GR, heat pump, big yard. Call 781-9040 after 6pm. Nice 3BR brick home in SE Columbia, close to Ft. Jackson.

Large LR lot. Call 765-0709. Nice, large home 3 BR, 2 D-W, stove, refrig, CH, carport, lg lot. Access to private pond. West Columbia.

$485. No pets. Call 796-0349. Oakgrove section on US 1. 2BR.

Newly decorated. New carpet. dep. 957-7644 or 957-7573, after 5pm. 4443 A Augusta Rd.

OGBURN GALLUP Property Management 2709 Bendemeer 3 BR 2.5 BA $525 3700 Baywater 3 BR 2 BA $375 200 Old Brass 3 BR 2 BA $525 327 Vincenne 3 BR 2 BA $420 7717 Burdell 3 BR 2 BA $420 545 Tradermill Mill 4 BR 2 BA $700 7116 Hilo 3BR 1Ba $375 3056 Sigmund Cir 2BR 1Ba $425 105 Stockman Rd 3BR, 2Ba, $600 CALL 799-6664 Many areas and prices. For a recorded list have pencil ready and call Ross Higgins Realty, 783-1243. Rent to own. Owner financing avail. Yr.

old home, 3 BR, 2 FP. $600 Mo. price $73,000. 957-5787. area.

1, 2 3 BR apts 1900 Tall Pines; 1507 Crestwood 109E Thornwell 765-9130 252-2254 Section 8 housing, River Drive Area. 5 BR, 2 bath BOB RICE REALTY 779-2600 Shandon, 3BR, 1B, 1 mo. lease. Couples only. No pets.

Call 799-8171. 214 South Bull 3 BR, 1 BA, $400 mo. Rosen Real Estate 799-1202 Mon-Fri Spring Valley Schools 3 BR, 2 Bath 2 story $550 mth. Spring Valley Schools New 2300 sq. 4 BR, Bath, gar.

Lease with option $950. mth. Spring Valley Schools 3 BR, 2 Bath, Garage $575 mth. W. Beltline 2 BR, 1 Bath, heat air, gar.

5325 mth. E.D. Sauls Co. 256-8661 SPRINGWOODS, 2 BR, $395mo PERCIVAL Rd, 1500sf. retail or off.

ANNE SOLOMON PEALTY, 736-6860. 1800 THORNDYKE just off Two Notch Rd in Moseley Hills, large corner lot, 3BR, $395 per mo. Call Ross Higgins Realty, 787-8437. TOM JENKINS PROPERTIES, INC. 256-7158 $525 TRANSFEREE SUPER RENT Hilton style well-landscaped yard, fenced backyard, 3BR, 2 baths, fireplace much more.

Close to VA Hosp. Ft. Jackson. Richland Schis. Fantastic neighborhood.

Call Michael Mann, 732-0190. The Settler Ron Bartholomew, Broker-In-Charge. Two area, totally remodeled, 2 BR, 1 avail. immed. Call 1-800-922-7841 or 754-0351.

Loans 278 OWN YOUR HOME? Credit problems? Income Verifying problems? Liberal guidelines for approval for consolidation, home improvement, purchase, or any purpose. We look for ways to YES, not no. Call 796-3041. United Companies Mortage Miscellaneous Loans 286 Christmas Loans Available Call UBN 1-245-4545 after A unique loan referral service. Real Estate Real Estate Wanted 290 AAAAAAAA-QUICK CASH for your equity in homes land.

Call Richard Best at 957-4688 A Columbia broker will purchase your equity in your home or land. Mortgages also bought. Quick cash, no obligation. 779-0890, 24-hours An alternative to those facing foreclosure or a solution for those needing quick sale. 736-0827 anytime.

A Real Estate need? We give courteous service, free estimates. We buy equities. Hurry to Horton Realty, 796-3800. WE BUY EQUITIES If you want to sell your real estate, call us and we will make you an offer, close in 30 days. Call Carl Almond, Jr.

at McGee Real Estate at 796-9812 or 799-3803. Beeper 748-1987, Homes For Sale 292 A 3BR, 2B, fenced, no down payment for vet. or service man with good credit. Bob Lindsay Realty, 256-0268. A 3 BR, 1 home, area, brick veneer, large lot, Kershaw taxes, call 788-6418, aft.

5, 782-3702. A 3BR, brick, Lake Katherine. Oak floor. Fence. Needs fix-up.

$45,000. Graham Rity, 782-4940; res. 254-6228. A 4 BR, 2 BA with game room in Shandon. Over 2250 sq ft.

New kit. Gorgeous hdwd floors. FP woodstove. Has apt income potential. $129,900.

256-2229. A 3 BR, 2 brick home, Heathwood area near St. Josephs's Church, 2 skylights, GR, dbl. car garage storage space. $16,500 under appraisal, $123,500.

Must sell now! No agents please. 782-4757, owner, Virginia. A 4BR, 2B, brick, Cola Mall, fence. Redone, like new. Only $36,200.

Graham Rity, 782-4940; res. 787-3890. A 3BR, 2 bath, den, FP, 1 acre. Off Hwy. 302, barn, $35,200.

Graham Rity, 782-4940; res. 787-3890. AAA $1500 and assume $536.80 PITI. Must qualify for loan, 1550 sqft brick ranch, 3BR, 2BA, LR Kitchen, DR, Den or bonus room, patio, fenced yd. Good neighborhood.

Close-in location. Call Shirley at AAA $1500 down and upper $400's near Columbia Mall and Spring Valley, 3BR, den central air. Call Richard 796-9371 Best Properties A17422D AAA 129 WELLS GARDEN FRIARSGATE Discover this 3BR beauty, free closing costs, new carpet, $59,950. Call Sam Lybrand 781-3535(0) or 781-3756(E) Bob Capes Realty. AAA No money down, let your work be down payment! 1550 sqft brick, 3BR, 2BA, LR Kitchen, DR, fenced yd.

Exc location. Call Shirley at ABSOLUTE BEST VALUE in ton new homes from Manus Construction Corp 359-7600 ABSOLUTELY The best lot buys in town, financing ll, on all lots Wexford, in Whitehall, Riverwalk, BritWhiteford, Winslow, Braewick, Whitehurst, Saddlebrook, Parkhurst, Coventry Lake and Coventry West. Prices starting at $13,500 in all sections of the Columbia area. BUY NOW BUILD LATER. Call 772-9444 A GREAT BUY.

4 BR brick, FP, much more. New gas furnis hot water heater, $74,000. Ferguson Realty, 782-2555. A LAKE ELIZABETH HOME! North Cola. off US 21 1-20 POWERS REALTY, 786-5501 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law.

Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. AN ENERGY EFFICIENT RYAN HOME Will SAVE you MONEY. Prices start mid $50's, lot included. Visit models in Riverwalk Woodland Greens or on your lot call 798-4900. ASSUME LOAN! IRMO SCHOOLS! DOWN! 3 bed 2 Greatroom, bath with carpeting, range, disposal, dishwasher, cent.

heat air, fencing, ONLY SPECIAL TERMS! Call 252-6332 anytime! Russell Jeffcoat Realtors. $7000 ASSUME By owner beautiful 3 BR, 2 BA Cape Cod in Lloydwood Subdiv. PITI $504. see Call 794-4743. Assume Loan, needs lots of T.L.C.

3BR, 1BA. Sold as it! Only 435,000. Call Stu 796-9371 Best Properties S24622 ASSUMPTION. We have homes with assumable loans. FRANK HARBOR REALTY, 736-3076.

A STEAL! A 3 BR, 2 home, area, FP, brick veneer, large lot, Kershaw taxes. Call 788-6418, aft. 5, 782-3702. Beautiful Shandon Home. Super location near Five Points, 3 BR, 2 LR, DR, 2 car garg.

Unfinished 2nd full basement. 9' Smooth hwd firs. Comp. redone, looks great! $149,500. Ira Miller Co.

779-0890. 5 BEDR'MS EXCELLENT BUY! Features: huge greatroom built-ins, high ceilings, 2 sky lights, "'eat-in" equipped kitchen, laundry room, huge patio, storm windows, large, fenced yard, OTHER EXTRAS! OWNER TRANSFERRED MUST SELL! Call 252-6332 anytime! 1358. Russell Jeffcoat Realtors. Best Buy in Saluda River Area Nice 3 BR, Charleston home. Almost new in established area.

5 min. to town. Lots of quality features. $78,290. Call Dorothy Smart 771-4266.

Britton Jameson. BEST BUY Q. VALLEY! REDUCED 4 bedroom brick, LR, DR, family rm carpeting, draperies, brkfst. equipped kitchen, laundry rm, double garage, workshop! Patio, 6' privacy fenced backyard! ONLY $117,800. Call 252-6332 anytime! 1523.

RUSSELL JEFFCOAT REALTORS. Bill Coker Realty 781-3501 Brick 2 Story, N. Main, 4 BR, 2 Fronts 200 ft. home or office American Rity 782-9813 BIC-Gosnell BUYING HOUSES NOW DOMINION FINANCIAL 781-8856 BY BUILDER Charleston style, 569,500. down.

No closing costs. Payments in $500's includes taxed ins. 791-1100. RUSSELL JEFFCOAT ASSUMABLE Brick ranch with four bedrooms, LR Den Located on quiet street Large fenced yard, new hot water heater Gas Pack storm windows doors for only $44,950. Call Martha Arnette to see at 798-1250.

WEXFORD EXECUTIVE HOME Beautiful French Provincial Stucco in Irmo's most exclusive neighborhood on the lake. 4 lg bedrooms BA Jacuzzi shower in master bedroom suite. A lg. gourmet kit. most modern appliances.

The other features too numerous to list. Call John Altman to review plans and a list of the liberal allowances at 798-1250. NEW LISTING WITH CONVENIENCE! Don't miss this attractive 2BR home with remodeled tile bath, hardwood floors economical gas heat, big lot with huge deck, convenient to Richland Memorial. Call 788-1450. BUILT BY M.C.

SMITH SPRING VALLEY SCHOOLS CHOOSE YOUR COLORS! One story Colonial Country charmer porch, 3BR, over 1650 sq. ft. under $105,000. Roomy kit. has built-in roll top desk eat-in space.

Screen porch. Call 788-1450. PEACH TREE ACRES Brick 3BR, 2BA, very roomy, FP, Lex. 1 schools, well established yard pecan plum trees, pool, bathhouse, workshop sprinkler system. Make it your home for the upcoming holidays.

Call Linda Lewis at 957-5566. BUILDER SAYS SELL! Best of Everything in this home built by Gardenwood! Good Cents Plus Whirlpool in Master Bedroom. Fireplace, Deck, 2 Car Garage on One Level in this Traditional Home. Choose Carpet! Be The First to Own This new home in Murraywood Hills. Call Kim Cummins 781-0088 or 732-4201.

STARTER HOME in prestigious Lake Katherine. 3BR, IBA with 12x9 screened porch, 12x7 deck, fenced back yard. Needs a little tender, loving care. Call Dick Pope, 252-2525. PRICE REDUCED! Only $64,500 buys this beautiful 2BR brick home with family stone FP and formal LR DR.

Lg. screened porch, established lawn sys. Call Lowell, 252-2525. Unfurnished Homes 240 SUNBELT PROPERTIES 791-7144 LEXINGTON I SCHOOLS 3413 SWEETSPRINGS COURT 3BR, 2BA, $450 105 LANFORD COURT 3BR, 2BA, fenced, garage, FP $475 WEST COLUMBIA 309 CARTERHILL 3BR, 2BA, fenced, FP, garage $460 1163 WEST FAIRHILL 3BR, 1BA, fenced, carpet, garage $435 206 LAUREL MEADOW 3BR, 2BA, fenced, FP, garage $550 Ed Broughman 796-9942 John M. Reich 794-8935 Mike Waggoner, BIC see 610 Tyler 2BR $295 per mo.

Call Ross Higgins Realty 787-8437. WHITEHALL New brick 2-story Bedrooms, baths, 2-car garage. Option to purchase also available. THE MUNGO CO, 772-9444. -New brick 2 story 4 Brs, baths-2 car garage.

$1,100 per month. Option to purchase also available- -The Mungo Company 772-9444 3505 White 3 BR, 1 corner W. Beltline White St, $285 mo. PHILLIPS PROPERTY MGMT. 252-7550 3705 Woodbury, 3BR brick, near Leesburg Trotter Rd, $375 mo.

We also have a nice upstairs 2BR apt in So. Congaree about 5 mi. past Cola Airport, central air heat. Cal Ross Higgins Realty 787-8437. ZEIGLER-CAPES PROPERTIES, INC.

413 Greenlakes Dr. 3BR Greenlakes $450. 4607 Ridgewood 2 BR Eau Claire $350. 1806 Bywood Dr 3BR Woodfield 6609 Formosa St. 3 BR Arcadia Lk.

$675. 57 King Charles 4BR St. 782-2392 Rent With Option 242 ON THE RIVER This home features cathedral ceilings skylights, a screened porch a spacious deck. Fully equipped kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $110,000.

Call Melba Dorton today for your private showing, 253-9711 or 798-12350. Russell Jeffcoat. SALE OR LEASE OPTION New and almost new 3 and 4 bedroom homes convenient to schools, shopping centers, builder will take trade-ins, other real estate, or mobile homes on trade. Call Henry at 359-3346. LEXINGTON HIGH RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick veneer, ranch style, fireplace in den, double garage, fenced in back porch.

Available for immediate occupancy. Call Henry at 359-3346. Sell or lease option 2BR, 2B condo, near Richland Mall. Call days 254-2020 or nights 787-9692. WESTGATE, near 1-26 US 1, 3BR, LR DR.

Lex. Co. schls. Sale $52,500 or lease Ira Miller Co, 779-0890 Mobile Homes 244 AAAAA Columbia's largest best selection of rental units. Prices start at $195 up.

788-1930 or 788-3374. Pontiac, S.C. 2 3BR homes, Irg lots swimming pool. 788-0123, 788-2499. AAAA Powell's Mobile Homes, nice, near Fort Cola.

Mall on Percival Rd. $175 up. 782-9484, 787-4303. AAA Avail Now 1 2 BR off Two Notch Rd, as low as $195. PATTON PROPERTIES AC better 1-2-3 BR mbl hms near Ft, cable, fncd-no pets, reasonable.

Old Percival Rd. 738-1884, K.K. Martin. NOTCH Nice furn. 2BR, 1B, garbage water furn.

$225mo. Dep $150. 735-1645 2 BR, Manufactured Homes starting at $295, 3 BR manufactured homes starting at $315. Fully skirted, both furnished and unfurnished, in beautiful wooded location convenient to 1-20 378. Playgound.

Professionally managed and maintained. 9-6 PM, 356-1880 weekend hours. 2 BR mobile home at Springdale. $175 dep, $175 mo. Water, garbage sewer included.

794-5334 after 7 pm. FOR RENT- 1987 14x80 2 BR mobile home on 3.5 ac lot Ceiling fans, $400 $350 unfurn. 755-0209. HERMITAGE FARMS 432-7221 Furnished or unfurmished mobile homes for rent, central heat and AC, spacious 2 3 BRs, located in beautiful park in Camden. Easy access to 1-20.

Move in by 12-31-88 and receive $200 off 1st months rent with 1 yr. lease. Mobile Homes 244 HUNT CLUB FOREST 788-6711 Furnished or unfurnished mobile homes for lease, excellent Northeast Columbia location. Private, fencedin yards. Professional on-site management.

7201 Hunt Club Road IN CITY ON BUSLINE 2 BR furn. mobile home, $235 1450 Victory St. 788-3767 or 788-6835 In Country. Fish Hatchery Rd per month. Call 739-0827 eves.

Mobile homes for rent 2 3 bedrooms. Spaces for rent Call 791-4548. rent to own 2BR unfurn'd, total elec, small country park Plus space rent dep. 755-2738, Iv msg. Newly remodeled 2 BR, total elec on Water yard service.

Lugoff. $200 dep, $225 mo. 1-438-4788. NO DEPOSIT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ONLY 12 65, 2BR, 1BA, water, sewage trash removal, $75 no refund admin. no pets, 10,000 s.f.

lot in pk. 356-0457. Pine Tree MH Pk. MH's start at $165 mo. dep.

Call after Mon-Fri anytime 755-3787. SPECIAL Move In By Save $200! Attractive, private manufactured homes located 21 exit 119 BR from $250 2 BR from $285 3 BR from $310 AVAILABLE FURNISHED Pool, fitness center, playground, clubhouse ROLLING MEADOWS 796-1535 W. Cola, near 1-26 and Southeastern Beltway, almost new 14x60 mobile home, 2 BR, deck, Irg. wooded lot. No pets.

$285 Mo. Pine Ridge Mobile Home Park 755-1360. West Columbia Three Fountains area 2 Bedrooms, for information phone 791-1733. 12x60 2 BR, ttI elect, new front rear decks, cable TV avail, 1 mi from golf course, no pets. $265 dep.

3226 Bachman Rd, Cola 755-3073. 3BR, 2BA double wide on acre lot, bldg. in S. Congaree. Smaller units avail also.

No pets. 755-9796. 12x65, 2 1 bath, furnished, very nice. No pets. Pine Ridge area.

Call 755-3582. Mobile Home Lot Rentals 246 AAAA Avail. Northeast Cola. near Fort Cola. Mall 1-20.

Lrg lots. Cable. Nice selection. 788-1930. 2 acre lot, Pelion, SC.

Suitable for building or mobile home. $8500 terms. 772-6300. Quiet shady. Camper or mobile home lot.

Adults. No yd pets. Cable. Near busline, Fort. 52-5531, 776-0373.

FOR RENT Tree shaded single wide lots available in professionally managed park. Call 356-1880 for details. Hermitage MHP. Lrg lots can handle any size MH. acre pond.

Close to downtown Lex off Hwy 359-4162. Lots for rent in McGregor Downs Mobilehome Park. 796-9550 MOBILE HOME LOTS CAMPER LOTS FOR RENT. Close-in. West Columbia.

No pets. 794-5021. New Park, 6 miles from 1-26 on 321 South, $75 permo $50 deposit. 791-7153. Pontiac, S.C.

Swimming pool, cable TV. Very good location. 788-2499. Private 1 acre mobile home space for rent. Country living.

Close to Columbia Mall. 754-7888. Beach Rentals 248 Hilton Head or Garden City ocean front 2 BR condo. Sleeps 6. Tennis, pool, jacuzzi.

Rent by week or weekend. 776-2531, 9-5, M-F. Hilton Head, 2 BR, townhouse, pool view, near beach Sea Pines, spacious, 803-795-0848 Holiday on the ocean condo, 2BR, sleeps 6, fully furnished, all amenities, to $275 wk. 788-6182. N.

Myrtle Beach, oceanfront, 3BR condo, sleeps 8, in-door pool, W-D. Call Betty, 776-2531, M-F, 9am-5pm. Summer rentals at N. Litchfield, Litchfield By The Sea, or Pawleys Island. Call James W.

Smith Realty at (803)-237-4246 006 Lake Rentals 250 22' camper on water front lot. Close to Weeds Landing. Couples only. Call 1-892-2450 after 4:30 pm. Lake Murray waterfront condo, Fully furnished tastefully decorated.

2BR, 2B. Ph. 736-0418. Resort Rentals 252 CHARLESTON BEACHES Beach homes and condominiums. Wild Dunes, Isle Of Palms, Sullivans Island.

Free 1988 brochure. 1-800-476-0400, ISLAND REALTY. Rustic mountain house near Cherokee on stream. Sleeps 11. Call 263-4324 or 263-4239.

Office Rentals 256 AAA MILLWOOD AT DEVINE Newly renovated office suites, 256-4151. Affordable, nice downtown Hampton St. office with parking. 540 sq. ft.

$400 Monthly. 779-5400. A GREAT NE LOCATION 700-1600 sq.ft. Flexible executive offices cloth privt. bath.

736-7716. An Ideal location designed for efficiency a successful corporate image. All the amenities of a full staff at a fraction of the cost. Executive Centre at Dutch Fork 3850 Fernandina Rd. 731-2850 AT BLDG 18th FLOOR Single offices conference room included, complete on site secretarial support services available.

748-1290. Available now -commercial office space: 256, 277, 520, 525, 4200 sq. ft. Full service lease; utilities, janitorial, parking. Tom Craig Realtors, 779-2740, ask for Jeff Craig.

Beautiful Suites Free Parking. 4 offices, $525. 2 offices, $350. Downtown Columbia. 799-4208 Come look! Various office spaces avail, util included, St.

Andrews area. 772-4978 9-5. Corner Main Hampton Beautiful refurbished office space in historic Sylvan Building. A variety of spaces now available. Call Don E.

Taylor Assoc. 782-4500 Devine St. Single office suites available, free parking, receptionist, conference room, answering service and much more starting at 256-4915 EXECUTIVE SUITES 200 5000 ft. Richland Mall area Main. Trapp Agcy 765-9130 252-2254 FARROW 77 LJ HOOKER DEVELOPMENTS Prime office space, Northeast location, up to 55,000 sq.

ft. Call (803) 788-9156. GREAT LOCATION 200-2400 sq. near Rich. Mem.

as low as ft. Util, parking incl. Sunvest Properties, 254-6525. 1-20 BUSH RIVER RD 234 Outlet Pointe Blvd. 1136 or 1258 square feet DESIGN YOUR OWN OFFICE Call 731-4084 NBSC Center Main Lady Streets Suites from 600 to 4000 s.f.

Betty Lewis 256-6437 Near Allied Chemical, 1320 sq. ft. office building with warehouse space if needed, pleanty of off road parking. 782-4500, 782-5846 Near Richland Fashion Mall 2 office spaces. 3 rooms 380 sq ft, 4 rooms 580 sq ft.

Call JC Davis 254-9913. Newly decorated, 800 SF. $585 mo (includes utils). Tenant needs to vacate immed. 739-0448 (O) or 356-4210 (H).

NEW OFFICE SPACE Downtown, Forest Drive Bush River Call for details. Phone 252-3310 Office building approx 1350 sq.ft. Forest Plaza at 5115 Forest Dr. close to Trenholm Rd Plaza. $800 mo incl all services.

Rosen Real Estate, 799-1202, Mo-Fr One room in executive office building, use of conference room, util. $300 per mo. 788-2222. 7351 Parklane Rd office suite $550 mo. Rosen Real Estate 799-1202 Mon-Fri Satellite Office $75 mo.

Call 256-4915 for more information. Spring Valley Office Park, 1500' deluxe office space, $1000 per Call 788-0993. John O' Farrell Realty. Suite of offices. 1224 Huger St.

Windows, ground floor. or rent one. Call 252-7366, 10am-5pm. 4910 Trenolm Rd, 1625 sq ft, ft, Monckton Blvd, 1150 sq ft, ft, 3614 Landmark Dr, 2750 sq ft, 2303 Devine St, single office, Util, phone, recept, more THE EDWARDS CO 783-4000 Business Rentals 258 CAYCE 12TH ST 2700 sqft office bldg, some furnishings. Call Jack Hendrix at 796-8167.

Dutch Square Area Retail or office space, Call Harvey at 772-7151. HARRILL-TROTTI REALTY, INC. REALTORS CAYCE- COLUMBIA 796-6920 River Rd. in well traveled area of Columbia, completely upfitted retail spaces, Call Don E. Taylor Assoc 782-4500 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE NOW SPACEMAKERS LIMITED 788-8452 788-3790 2927 Platt Springs Rd.

5100 sq. ft. formerly Red White Food Store Ample parking. 4060 W. Beltfine Blvd.

Office or warehouse 1500 sq. ft. less than 1 yr old close in. E.D. Sauls Co.

256-8661 Platt Springs Rd close-in. 1700 sq ft. Retail or office. Call 791-4365. NEAR USC Only $43,900 for a sharp 3BR, 1 bath in Rosewood.

New roof, stove, nice yard, great location Won't last long after you see. 412 Graymont. Call Bill Guthrie 252-2525 or 252-6614. 5-17506 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BOB CAPES REALTY, INC. ONE BATH Absolutely appealing old brick ranch top windows, lg rooms, screened porch dbl.

gar. Also included Gunite pool, circular drive, workshop fruit trees. $149,900. Geoffrey, 782-0162. PRIVATE POND ACRES Executive Home 4BR, 3BA, Heart Pine nestled on beautiful property in Heart of Lexington.

$197,500. For private showing, Loretta O' Cain, 359-7631. MOBILE HOME PARK Near Cola Mall Own all homes spaces laundry buildings $350,000 possible financing. Call Dan Kennedy, 779-4503. 607 WHITEFALLS DRIVE Coldstream, approx.

2400 SF, 4BR ranch in excellent cond. Formal LR, DR, Den dbl gar, energy efficient replacement windows. Large fenced yd. Call Sam Lybrand 781-3535. FHA-VA OR ASSUME in quiet subdiv.

Charming brick ranch yd. and greenhouse. New carpet and updates. Best floor plan MBR and Baths. Sylvia Cates, 788-3300.

CLASSIC EDENWOOD! Great neighbors are a bonus 4BR 3BA tri-level, FP, screened porch, fenced yard, $85,900. Call Betty Gleaton, 779-4503 for more information. SUBSTANTIAL COUNTRY Includes 4 BDS, spacious family room two decks. In addition, this home is on a quiet cul-de-sac. $159,900.

Barb Griggs, 788-3300. PRIME MAIN Prime Commercial Property on Main Lexington. Older home on property. Don't miss this opportunity. $75,000.

Call Sandra Peake, 359-7631. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BRING OFFER! EXCELLENT BUY IN FOREST ACRES! JUST REDUCED VACANT HOME MUST BE SOLD! 4 bed brick, LR big library, 6 ceiling fans, carpeting, draperies, big screened porch, privacy fence, circular drive, MANY EXTRAS! ONLY Call 252-6332 anytime! 1443. Russell Jeffcoat Realtors. BY BUILDER Custom built quality homes on your lot or ours at reasonable prices. 10 yr.

homeowners warranty (HOW). Call Bill Johnson, 798-2210; or home, 781-3304. Equal Housing Opportunity BY OWNER- 1800 sf ranch, great yard, near VA, hwd firs, 3 BR, 3 BA, $68,000 or assumable FHA loan. Call Tom 776-1270 after 4pm. BY OWNER 4 BR home in Quail Hollow.

Market appraisal $169,900, ask $157,900. Shown by appt only. BY OWNER Story Dollhouse in Richland Dist. 2, 2 BR, 1 B- downstairs, hwd firs, spiral staircase, FP and wood stove. Assume VA loan, PITI $338, total price $41,500.

Ph 782-0759. BY OWNER if you are selling your own home call me. I'll make you a good offer, Bob Lindsay, Broker, 256-0268 By owner: Irmo schools, New Friarsgate, 3BR, 2B. $7500 equity assume FHA loan. Owner will help with 2nd mortgage.

798-2341. BY OWNER Newly remodeled large 3BR home on large wooded lot in great, close-in location. New everything! High ceilings, hardwood floors, lots of character. Sell at our $79,000. Ph.

779-7190. Cash for your equity. Appraise, subtract selling cost, offer cash. Prop, Carl Durham 256-2363 24 hr CEDAR COVE Homes at Lake Murray Lakeside Realt 749-0909 CHRISTMAS BONUS Seller pays closing costs, points, plus free washer and dryer if you buy one of our three lovely spec homes before Christmas. 3BR, 2 full baths.

Mid $50's. Lexington 5 Schools, friendly neighborhood. Call Sue at 781-8987 or 791-4355 for directions. All South Properties ROY MILLER, BIC 791-4355 C. W.

HAYNES REALTORS 771-8930 DEANE CHAVOUS, REALTORS Professional Property Mgmt 781-7792 781-9043 ESTATE SALE 1510 Butler Street, Columbia Unusual home with Charleston style courtyard garden. 3. BR, 2 BA, approx 2000 $95,000. 41 Call 786-4986 after 7pm..

The State from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.