Anton Bagaiev
• 6 min read
- English
- Español
Coding Fundamentals Rest API PHP
In this tutorial, youwill learn how to use Twitter API 1.1 and OAuth 2.0 to authenticate users of your application and publish atest tweet.
Why Do We Need an Authentication Framework?
To create services which act onbehalf of users' accounts and make it really secure and easy todevelop, we need three things:
- Twitter application
- access to theuser account
To put the pieces together into a working mechanism, we need an authentication framework.As a Twitter standard, the REST APIidentifies Twitter applications and users using OAuth.
What Is OAuth?
According, OAuth is:
An open protocol to allow secureauthorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile anddesktop applications.
OAuth is the most common authorization framework today, and it is used on most common web applications and services, like GitHub, Google, Facebook, and, of course, Twitter.
This framework allows users togrant you permissionto act on their behalf without sharing the accountpassword. After the user hasgiven permission, OAuth will return you a token. Thistoken itself grants access to make requests on behalf of the user.
Tokens from Twitterdo not have an expiration time, but they can become invalid after the user hasrejected your application. Also, theTwitter crew can suspend your application if you are exceeding limits orperforming other actions that violate theAPI Terms. You canreview these terms to find out more about specific violations.
Create Your Application
As a first step, we need to set up a newTwitter application. Let's create a new application on theapplicationmanagement page.
After logging in, you need to click the Create New Appbutton and fill intheform with your application details:name, description, website and callback URL.
What is the callback URL? Whenusers accept our application to use theiraccount, the browser will deliver them to this URL with the OAuth verifier in GET. And we will use this verifier to get the user access token.
Notice:Don't forget to replace the websiteand callback URL with your public domain when you share yourapplication with real users.
After filling in the form, you can sign the Developer Agreement and click the Submit button to create yourapplication.
Congratulations! Now you have access to a page where you canlook at thedetails and edit settings of your new application,change permissions and manage keys and access tokens. Navigate to the Keys and Access Tokenstab and find theConsumer KeyandConsumer Secret.Wewill be using themshortly.
Start Coding
Choosing a Library
Before starting to code, we need tochoose alibrary to work with Twitter API and Oauth 2.0. You can get anoverview of theexisting libraries on the Twitter developers page. In thistutorial I will use TwitterOAuth as the most popular and easy to use. Wecan install it from the command line with Composer:
1 | composer require abraham/twitteroauth |
The Config File
Let's create a new file named config.php
to store all static data. Specify the followingdetails in your application.
1 | <?php |
2 | |
3 | return [ |
4 | // |
5 | 'consumer_key' => 'EPKXCv3tUsq9DoxwZy616Cy1o', |
6 | 'consumer_secret' => 'UXnAeXkCZFIOnLVQCS4LFR7GsCTrOiU77OGSFL3dUoYZiTxU8x', |
7 | |
8 | // |
9 | 'url_login' => 'http://localhost/twitter_login.php', |
10 | 'url_callback' => 'http://localhost/twitter_callback.php', |
11 | ]; |
Start the Login Script
Now create a new file named twitter_login.php and include Composer autoload, TwitterOAuth library, start session, and import the settings of our applicationfrom the config file.
1 | <?php |
2 | |
3 | require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; |
4 | use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth; |
5 | |
6 | session_start(); |
7 | |
8 | $config = require_once 'config.php'; |
Request Auth
In this part we need to request the user to authorize our application. To reach this goal we will create an object of the TwitterOAuth class, request a token of the application from the Twitter API, get the URL of the authorize page using this token, and redirect the user to this page.
1 | // create TwitterOAuth object |
2 | $twitteroauth = new TwitterOAuth($config['consumer_key'], $config['consumer_secret']); |
3 | |
4 | // request token of application |
5 | $request_token = $twitteroauth->oauth( |
6 | 'oauth/request_token', [ |
7 | 'oauth_callback' => $config['url_callback'] |
8 | ] |
9 | ); |
10 | |
11 | // throw exception if something gone wrong |
12 | if($twitteroauth->getLastHttpCode() != 200) { |
13 | throw new \Exception('There was a problem performing this request'); |
14 | } |
15 | |
16 | // save token of application to session |
17 | $_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $request_token['oauth_token']; |
18 | $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret']; |
19 | |
20 | // generate the URL to make request to authorize our application |
21 | $url = $twitteroauth->url( |
22 | 'oauth/authorize', [ |
23 | 'oauth_token' => $request_token['oauth_token'] |
24 | ] |
25 | ); |
26 | |
27 | // and redirect |
28 | header('Location: '. $url); |
Make a note that we are saving application tokens to the session, because we will need them in the next step.
Now you can run this script in the browser, andifeverything goes well, you will be redirected to the Twitter API page withsomething like this:
You will be redirected to the callback URL by clicking the Authorize appbutton. But not sofast—first we need to create a callback script.
Get the User Token
Our next step is to create a callback script. Let's create a new file namedtwitter_callback.php
and include the TwitterOAuth library, config file, and start session as we did in the previous part.
Then we will check if we received an auth verifier parameter from the Twitter API. Ifsomething is missing, we will redirect the userto log in again.
1 | $oauth_verifier = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'oauth_verifier'); |
2 | |
3 | if (empty($oauth_verifier) || |
4 | empty($_SESSION['oauth_token']) || |
5 | empty($_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']) |
6 | ) { |
7 | // something's missing, go and login again |
8 | header('Location: ' . $config['url_login']); |
9 | } |
The next step is to connect to the Twitter API with the application token and request a user token using the OAuth verifier:
1 | // connect with application token |
2 | $connection = new TwitterOAuth( |
3 | $config['consumer_key'], |
4 | $config['consumer_secret'], |
5 | $_SESSION['oauth_token'], |
6 | $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] |
7 | ); |
8 | |
9 | // request user token |
10 | $token = $connection->oauth( |
11 | 'oauth/access_token', [ |
12 | 'oauth_verifier' => $oauth_verifier |
13 | ] |
14 | ); |
And now you've got the user token stored in the$token
How to Use This Token
We can use this token toact on behalf of theuser's account. We can store it in the session or save in the database to manage theuser account next time without requesting permission. To connect to the Twitter API with the user token, you just need to do this:
1 | $twitter = new TwitterOAuth( |
2 | $config['consumer_key'], |
3 | $config['consumer_secret'], |
4 | $token['oauth_token'], |
5 | $token['oauth_token_secret'] |
6 | ); |
Create a Test Tweet
To create anew tweet from the user's account, we need to add just a little piece of code:
1 | $status = $twitter->post( |
2 | "statuses/update", [ |
3 | "status" => "Thank you @nedavayruby, now I know how to authenticate users with Twitter because of this tutorial" |
4 | ] |
5 | ); |
6 | |
7 | echo ('Created new status with #' . $status->id . PHP_EOL); |
Also you can get details of the status from the answer of the API stored in the$status
Finally, we are ready to test our script.
As you can see, creating a Twitterapplication is not so hard. Now you have all the API features to use: youcan create new tweets, upload media, manage friendships and so on.
Keep in mind that now you can collectOAuth tokens and you have great power to act on behalf of your users.But with great power comes great responsibility—that's whyyou need tohandle this situation gracefully and serve a quality user experience.
If you have questions or feedback, feelfree to post them in the comments section. I'll be looking forwardto it and willtry to answer each of your comments.
Further Reading and Related Links
Note that I've prepared a full project for this tutorial on GitHub, and you can take a look at it with a link on the right side of the site or using this link.
- Twitter apps
- Twitter REST APIs
- Twitter OAuth overview
- TwitterOAuth PHP library
- Other Twitter libraries
- OAuth homepage
- The original article onHow to Authenticate Users With Twitter OAuth.